REVIEW: The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018)

The Nutcracker and the Four Realms

When I heard that Disney was making a movie based on The Nutcracker, I was a little worried. I’m no expert on the original story, but I’ve seen the ballet in person, and I willingly admit that I might still occasionally watch Barbie in the Nutcracker at Christmastime. Disney is my favorite thing, but the […]

Rian Johnson Announces Start of Knives Out Production

Rain Johnson, Knives Out

Rian Johnson is trading in lightsabers for knives. Johnson announced on his social media that production had officially begun on his new murder mystery film Knives Out, where James Bond Daniel Craig will play a Poirot-inspired detective. While I will admit to a bit of “phantom menacing” where Star Wars: The Last  Jedi was concerned, I’ve […]