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Author: Andrew Rodriguez
Pokémon Sword and Shield Galar Region Update
The Pokémon Company International has been more forthcoming with specific information on Pokémon Sword and Shield, though not so much with other details. Trainers around the world are waiting on pins and needles to find out whether or not their favorite go-to Pocket Monsters will make it into the game. This panic was set in…
REVIEW: Flash Forward – Ch. 2 “The Line Forms on the Left”
What does it take to make a truly great comic book? Not just something readable as opposed to throw-away garbage, but something that will either objectively stand the test of time, or is just a fun romp through 20-something pages of gorgeous art. Does it require decades upon decades of in-depth lore knowledge, traversing every…
DC’s New Relaunch And What It Means
There have been rumblings in the comic book world that DC’s universe is heading for another Crisis-level event. This has been apparent to readers of the current ongoing Justice League, The Flash, Superman, and, most recently, Flash Forward. Without doing a massive anthological recap of Scott Snyder’s current Justice League book, the SparkNotes version is as follows: After the events…
REVIEW: Cyberfrog: Bloodhoney
Ethan Van Sciver is far from a new face to comics. Having teamed up with multiple writers throughout his 26 years in the industry, he’s worked on the most prominent characters that the medium has to offer. Some of the very best, and my favorite, comics for a given character have been penciled by Van…
REVIEW: Flash Forward – Ch. 1 “Incursion Point Zero”
What does it truly mean to be a superhero? Do you run headlong into danger and face down catastrophe because it’s what you love to do? Are you beholden to the threads of fate and allow destiny to dictate your actions? And what do you do when you’ve fallen from grace and feel that there…
Tokyo Game Show 2019 – Final Fantasy VII: Remake
Video game trade shows and conventions are something of a big deal. Whether it’s E3, PAX, or Game Developer’s Conference, there’s almost always something to look forward to. Many of the biggest publishers and development teams use these presentations to show off the latest footage for their projects or even to reveal new ones altogether.…