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Author: Jed | Hollywood Scholar
REVIEW: Assassin’s Creed Mirage (2023)
Assassin’s Creed Mirage: the game that Ubisoft claimed would be a return to the classic formula of the franchise. After completing the game’s base story, I can unequivocally say that the marketing was an outright lie. Mirage bears no substantive connection to the classic games of the franchise, and what aspects of its predecessors that it attempts to imitate…
Doctor Who: Apathy or Hope: 60th Anniversary Trailer Response
Die-hard Doctor Who fans have long turned against any hope or even interest in the return of head writer and EP Russell T. Davies. However, there is more interest than could have initially been expected for the upcoming 60th anniversary specials. Perhaps the star power of David Tennant and Catherine Tate combined with Davies’ writing prowess, which…
REVIEW: The Witcher – Season 3 Vol 1 (2023)
Not only has the newest season of Netflix’s The Witcher, season 3 volume 1, been received with all the fanfare and attention that a wet fart is granted, but it has also exceeded all predictions for how horrendous this season would be. The constant disregard and mockery of the source material have continued with season…
Witcher Season 3 Clip Ignores the Source Material and Logic
**Spoilers for The Witcher Book 2: Time of Contempt** The first teaser and trailer of The Witcher season 3, released barely one and two months, respectively, before the season’s release, came across as empty and meaningless, neither revealing anything about the story. However, a newly released clip for the upcoming third season has finally shown…
REVIEW: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Season 16, Episodes 1-3
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is finally back after a shortened season 15 and a nearly two-year hiatus with the first three episodes of season 16. Was the wait worth it? Is the magic that has kept this show going for so long still there? Are “The Gang Inflates,” “Frank Shoots Every Member of the…