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Author: Jed | Hollywood Scholar
REVIEW: The Last of Us – Season 1, Episode 7, “Left Behind”
There isn’t much unique commentary surrounding the latest episode of HBO’s The Last of Us, “Left Behind.” It still falls into the most egregious pitfalls of its predecessor, namely bloat, empty character development and performances, and a near-total lack of action, horror, or zombies. At this point, this show cannot be called a zombie action-horror show,…
REVIEW: Cocaine Bear (2023)
Unlike the majority of movies and television discussed on this site, Universal Pictures’ Cocaine Bear is an incredibly difficult movie to review. Cocaine Bear is not an intelligent movie. It is not well-acted, well-written, or well-done, and the script is utterly atrocious. But hot damn if it isn’t a great steaming pile of fun. In…
REVIEW: The Last of Us – Season 1, Episode 6, “Kin”
The turn, the twist, the revelation, and the unmasking of HBO’s The Last of Us has finally occurred. The creatives’ disdain for the source material and all its characters is now evident. This week’s episode, “Kin,” is not only as poorly written and CW-esque as all its predecessors, but the show has now crossed from…
Arrested Development to be Removed from Netflix
Arrested Development has had a tenuous relationship with quality and renewal since its initial cancellation by 20th Century Fox in 2006. In 2012, the then near-virgin production studio at Netflix acquired the rights and attempted to revive the show for subsequent 4th and 5th seasons. With each season’s release, rumors of cancellation abounded, drawing out…
The Witcher 3 Next-Gen “Accidentally” Added Realistic Monster Vaginas
**NSFW** While CD Projekt Red has delivered several incredibly well-written video games, they are not known as bastions of smooth launches or the creators of well-tested video games. Glitches and bugs are prevalent through nearly every major CD Projekt Red release until patches resolve the numerous issues. The same applies to The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt’s next-gen…