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Author: Jed | Hollywood Scholar
Netflix’s Witcher Universe Expansion Reconfirmed with Riff Raff
After the universally panned atrocity that was The Witcher: Blood Origin and the backlash to Henry Cavill’s recasting, the future of Netflix’s Witcher universe was thrown into question, rightfully so. Many commentators theorized that the spin-offs would be canceled and the series would only endure through its 5th season, confirmed to be filming back-to-back with…
REVIEW: The Last of Us – Season 1, Episode 5, “Endure and Survive”
Any marginal increase in quality in last week’s episode of The Last of Us was eradicated and regressed in this week’s episode 5, “Endure and Survive.” The justifications and explanations that episode 4 required of “Endure and Survive” are not explained or developed cohesively. The one reason for a major coincidence that “Endure and Survive”…
The Terminal List Universe is Expanding
The Terminal List wowed audiences last year with its intelligent writing, simple values, and intense action. This show has been heralded by many as the best released in 2022, and few can argue with such a statement. Uncharacteristically, Amazon Studios has responded to this positive reception with the announced expansion of this series. According to…
The Last of Us Episode 5 to be Released Early
For the first time in the maiden season of HBO’s The Last of Us, a chapter of the story has been broken into two parts. The second half of the contained story featured in episode 4 will be concluded in episode 5. Possibly due to this two-part nature, but officially and more likely due to…
REVIEW: The Last of Us – Season 1, Episode 4, “Please Hold to My Hand”
A miracle has occurred; HBO’s The Last of Us has significantly improved its quality with this week’s episode 4, “Please Hold to My Hand.” That ridiculous title that seems to refer to nothing aside, “Please Hold to My Hand” seems to have achieved the impossible by finally developing its characters, providing decent action, and trimming…
Doctor Who: Russell T. Davies Slams Woke Hollywood
The jury is still out on whether or not the return of Russell T. Davies to the hit BBC sci-fi drama Doctor Who will be enough to resurrect it from failing viewership and fan aversion. Much of the news surrounding his return has been negative, with the revelation that Disney will be creatively involved in…