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Author: Krista Novva
25 Days of Ryan Grinchmas
December 1st of Ryan Grinchmas… All of the Geeks + Gamers down in Gamerville liked Christmas a lot. But Ryan, who lived just north of Gamerville, did not. December 2nd of Ryan Grinchmas… The reason for his hatred and rage is that his heart is two sizes too small. December 3rd of Ryan Grinchmas… All…
Geeks + Gamers Boys on Halloween
Halloween is here, and the boys at Geeks + Gamers have their costumes picked out! Luckily for those of you reading this, I was able to get ahold of what they will be wearing and show you the details below :) First up, we have Jeremy, who will be going as Kathleen Kennedy. Oof… scary.…
Geeks + Gamers Zoo
It’s finally here! Geeks + Gamers just opened up their very own zoo, and we are excited to share with you the animals that we have collected so far. Now, obviously, we have giraffes. Can’t have a zoo without them, though they keep sticking out their tongues, for whatever reason. Our zoo doctor told us…
Geeks + Gamers Bachelorette
Welcome to Geeks and Gamers’ first Bachelorette dating game, where we have three of the finest single ladies looking to meet their soul mate. If you find that any of these women meet your expectations, please @Drunk3PO on Twitter for their phone numbers. (wink) Bachelorette #1 – Jerlane: Jerlane (not to be confused with Jerlene)…