Author: Spike

  • Samurai Pizza Cats: Official Fan Book Scheduled for Release in March

    Samurai Pizza Cats: Official Fan Book Scheduled for Release in March

    Who do you call when you want some cheese and pepperoni in your life? The Samurai Pizza Cats, of course! In the early ’90s, a trio of mechanoid feline fighters became the favorite heroes of many afternoon anime aficionados. Samurai Pizza Cats: Official Fan Book is the ultimate celebration of the original Tatsunoko Productions version of the show, Kyatto Ninden Teyandee. When…

  • Captain Marvel, Rotten Tomatoes and Your Consumer Rights

    Captain Marvel, Rotten Tomatoes and Your Consumer Rights

    Pop culture has never been through so much in so little time. The entertainment industry, in general, can’t seem to control the news anymore. Corporatism’s ugly side in these businesses is becoming unmasked like never before. Comic books, video games, trading cards, movies, TV shows… there are no survivors. Intersectional identity cults seem to be…

  • REVIEW: Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

    REVIEW: Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

    A movie that was around 18 years in the making since Guillermo del Toro introduced James Cameron to the manga/anime, Alita: Battle Angel finally opened for the general public on February 14th. The original comic book – Gunnm by Yukito Kishiro, initially published in Shueisha’s Business Jump anthology from 1990 to 1995 – became popular for its gorgeous, edgy,…

  • Alterna Comics’ Owner Peter Simeti Swatted on a Livestream

    Alterna Comics’ Owner Peter Simeti Swatted on a Livestream

    The so-called “cultural war” on the internet is getting worse, and extremely dangerous. On February 13, Peter Simeti was livestreaming about comics at the 1st Print Comics channel. Suddenly, mid-broadcast, he was held at gunpoint by a SWAT team. According to Peter’s Twitter, someone called the police claiming to be Simeti himself and stating, “I just…

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: TV Animation Production Art Collection to be Published in March

    Neon Genesis Evangelion: TV Animation Production Art Collection to be Published in March

    If you enjoy the art of anime, you’re in for a treat, as Neon Genesis Evangelion: TV Animation Production Art Collection is set to be published in March of 2019. This volume for hardcore anime fans collects the making of one of the most influential Kaiju series in what will be the ultimate compendium of…

  • Team Cherry Teases Hollow Knight Update Featuring Hornet

    Team Cherry Teases Hollow Knight Update Featuring Hornet

    The first, long-awaited reveal of the upcoming Hornet DLC for video game Hollow Knight is incoming. The Australian developers, Team Cherry, have posted this in all their social media. Fans of Hollow Knight, the acclaimed cute-yet-dark Metroidvania platformer, were already aware that a Hornet DLC has been in development for a while. It was one of…