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Tag: Benedict Wong
REVIEW: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law – Season 1, Episode 4 “Is This Not Real Magic?”
“Is This Not Real Magic?” feels more like the kind of episode the team behind She-Hulk wants to make. It’s more stand-alone than any of the previous installments, and it focuses on Jen’s personal life and how being She-Hulk complicates it, sometimes in ways she didn’t expect. That isn’t to say it’s particularly good; it’s…
REVIEW: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law – Season 1, Episode 3 “The People vs. Emil Blonsky”
And, we’re back. While the pilot of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law was as bad as we all assumed it would be, the second episode was a vast improvement, indicating the shift from girls-rule-boys-drool nonsense to an intelligent show that wants to explore some complicated moral questions through a relatable hero. “The People vs. Emil Blonsky”…
REVIEW: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
The highly anticipated sequel to 2016’s Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, was released into theaters this weekend, bringing along with it all the typical Marvel fanfare. This film marks the third first introduction of the multiverse to the MCU, contradicting all the prior set rules of the previously established “first” depictions…
Speculating on the Doctor Strange Trailer
A week ago, during some football game or other, Disney and Marvel revealed the official trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. A sequel to 2016’s Doctor Strange – and Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Avengers: Endgame, and WandaVision, and pretty much all the Marvel stuff – Multiverse of Madness finds Stephen Strange…
Review: What If…? – Season 1, Episode 4 “What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?”
I don’t want to jinx it (and Lord knows it’s never been easier to jinx a good thing), but I think Marvel’s new animated series may have found its groove. “What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?” has much more in common with last week’s universe-altering hypothetical than the first two…
Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Opens Up a Can of Worms
After plugging yesterday’s leak with some well-placed webbing, Sony has released the first Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer. The third (kind of) solo Spidey film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: No Way Home sees Peter Parker team with Doctor Strange to contend with the multiverse, including versions of his classic villains from previous movie…