Blazing Saddles Gets a Warning From HBO

Blazing Saddles

Remember when they assured us they weren’t coming for Blazing Saddles? Yeah, they’re coming for Blazing Saddles. Following their scramble to ensure that people who watched Gone with the Wind on their streaming service understood that slavery is bad, HBO has now put a lecture in front of Blazing Saddles. This particular condescending bit of […]

Gone with the Wind Copies Sell Out

Gone with the Wind, HBO Max, HBO, Amazon

If you’re worried about the looming threat of mob-demanded censorship, there’s a ray of hope to which you can cling. Almost immediately after HBO Max gave in to 12 Years a Slave screenwriter John Ridley’s “request” that they remove Gone with the Wind from their service (although it will eventually return with a tacked-on lecture […]