Sweet Baby Inc. Employee Contacts Former Employer of Jeff from SmashTV

Sweet Baby Inc. Smash JT

The video game journalists/developers/consultants are stepping up their attacks on the other side of what they’ve designated GamerGate 2 (all the while oblivious to the movement’s true mastermind). Their current number-one target seems to be Jeff from Smash JT. Jeff is a figure similar to former Blizzard producer Mark Kern, who goes by Grummz on […]

Games Journalists Attack Gamers and Mark Kern

Games Journalists attack

If you want to know how the recent reaction from gamers over the woke influence in video games – GamerGate 2, if you want to call it that – is going, take a look at the reaction from games journalists. They’re attacking gamers and Mark Kerns, the former Blizzard producer who goes by Grummz on […]

Video Game Producer Mark Kern Talks Sweet Baby Inc. and ESG in Gaming

Sweet Baby Inc money

Have you been questioning the sanity of video game developers using consulting companies like Sweet Baby Inc. when it seems abundantly clear that gamers don’t like the changes they “suggest”? Today, an expert explained what their reasoning is. Mark Kern, a former producer at Blizzard Entertainment who produced games like Starcraft, World of Warcraft III, […]

Microsoft Acquires Activision Blizzard for $68.7 Billion

Microsoft Activision Acquisition

Microsoft has added publisher and developer Activision Blizzard to its arsenal of titles, including the majorly popular Call of Duty franchise, for a cost of $68.7 billion. The announcement on Xbox Wire states, “As a team, we are on a mission to extend the joy and community of gaming to everyone on the planet. We all […]

Activision Blizzard Delay Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 Indefinitely

Overwatch 2 Diablo 4

Activision Blizzard have delayed two of their biggest, and arguably their most anticipated, titles in Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 during Tuesday’s earnings report. The studio announced the delay in a slide titled “Update on Our Pipeline,” proclaiming that it still plans to “deliver a substantial amount of content” next year (the wide-open slate of […]