Tag: comicsgate

  • Alterna Comics’ Owner Peter Simeti Swatted on a Livestream

    Alterna Comics’ Owner Peter Simeti Swatted on a Livestream

    The so-called “cultural war” on the internet is getting worse, and extremely dangerous. On February 13, Peter Simeti was livestreaming about comics at the 1st Print Comics channel. Suddenly, mid-broadcast, he was held at gunpoint by a SWAT team. According to Peter’s Twitter, someone called the police claiming to be Simeti himself and stating, “I just…

  • Corporatism vs. Nerdom: Repeating Industry-Killing Mistakes

    Corporatism vs. Nerdom: Repeating Industry-Killing Mistakes

    Mainstream entertainment companies are really working hard to take the “entertainment” out of the entertainment industry. Marvel, EA, Lucasfilm, Blizzard, Bethesda, Wizards of the Coast – to name a few – are run by executives who only understand the business aspect of the ecosystem and who are more concerned with an ever-growing bottom line that, realistically, can’t just grow…

  • Ethan Van Sciver Departs Comicsgate

    Ethan Van Sciver Departs Comicsgate

    While Comicsgate – as an idea and as a mindset – has been around for much longer, the movement didn’t begin gaining real traction until 2017. What is Comicsgate? For those not yet educated in the matter, Comicsgate is a consumer-driven movement in retaliation to the prevailing practices within the mainstream comic book industry. Comic…