Red Sonja Movie Will Avoid the Male Gaze, Says Star

Red Sonja male gaze

Pour one out for the male gaze. A remake – or reboot, or re-adaptation, or whatever they decide is the most marketable phrase you probably can’t find in a dictionary – of Red Sonja is on the way, and it’s going to be safe for modern audiences, if not box office returns. Actually, a new Red Sonja movie […]

Max Von Sydow of Flash Gordon and The Exorcist Passes Away at 90

Max Von Sydow

This morning, news broke that Swedish-born actor Max Von Sydow has passed away. He flourished in European cinema as well as in Hollywood and can be seen in arthouse films and genre fare alike. According to Variety, his long life and impressive career came to an end this past Sunday.  Von Sydow has over 150 […]

The Rising Tide of Jason Momoa

Jason Momoa, Aquaman

In 2006, Joe Flanigan, who played main character John Shepherd on Stargate: Atlantis, would often refer to his costar Jason Momoa as the Chewie of the group. Yet anyone who has followed Momoa through the years knows that he is anything but. Don’t get me wrong; Flanigan was fantastic. But it was Momoa’s performance as Ronon […]