Pulling Pistols and Whistling Dixie

Clint Eastwood is one of the great modern filmmakers, a man whose directing talents have landed him many Oscar nominations and widespread critical acclaim. Those accolades don’t usually extend to his work in front of the camera, however; it may be the parts he often played in his younger days, the cops and cowboys and […]

REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 1

Jessica Jones, the second of Marvel’s Netflix series to explore the darker street-level corridors of the MCU, is a surprisingly adult-themed endeavor, using the gritty world established in Daredevil as a springboard to tell a story of victimization and how different people survive it in different ways. The first half is a very strong psychological […]

Holiday 2014: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

This is the first installment in our Holiday 2014 Review Series, where we’ll take a look at some of our favorite Christmas movies, either traditional or off-kilter. Grab a glass of your favorite eggnog and enjoy! Upon its initial theatrical release – which lasted about a week – Kiss Kiss Bang Bang bombed financially, but […]

Cast Member Assaulted at EPCOT


Another day, another report of violence at Disney World. This time, the incident happened at EPCOT, specifically outside the Space 220 restaurant. It appears one of two intoxicated, shirtless men attacked a cast member. Two videos were posted on TikTok by user Alexis.Ringel, and while neither shows the assault, they show the men continuing to […]

Assault at Universal Studios Hollywood

Universal Studios Hollywood violence

Violence came to Universal Studios Hollywood as an altercation was caught on video and uploaded to Instagram. The video depicts a man who had allegedly just shoved his wife to the ground (she’s seen getting up as the video begins) walking away from the scene with his children, one of whom is crying for her […]

REVIEW: Hit Man (2024)

Hit Man Review

“A professor moonlighting as a hit man of sorts for his city police department, descends into dangerous, dubious territory when he finds himself attracted to a woman who enlists his services.” –imdb.com Hit Man is a highly enjoyable and somewhat charming movie. Richard Linklater delivers an easily accessible viewing experience that most audiences should find […]