REVIEW: Ant-Man (2015)

With Ant-Man, Marvel can place one more check in the win column. They’ve made another fun superhero adventure with a beating heart and a pair of heroes that it’s easy to root for. The film stumbles here and there, and it isn’t one of the better Marvel movies, but it’s still a total blast of […]

Give and Take in Superhero Cinema

The other day I was talking to a friend and he brought up the idea that there’s no such thing as a perfect movie, arguing that the best films have flaws that enhance them rather than sully them. In principle, I disagree with this (a Hitchens quote comes to mind: “It’s only true if you […]

Spy Games

*Author’s Note: Like my article on Captain America, this piece was written before I saw Avengers: Age of Ultron and I decided not to alter it to accommodate that film.* Starting with Iron Man back in 2008, Marvel decided to bring the world of comic books to movie screens in a way no one had […]

Gary From Nerdrotic Chats with Glenn Beck

Nerdrotic Glenn Beck

First Fox News, then Piers Morgan, and now, the Fellowship is talking to Glenn Beck. Gary of Nerdrotic appeared on Beck’s radio show to talk about Disney, Star Wars, and Disney Star Wars, specifically everyone’s favorite new show, The Acolyte, plus some Doctor Who for good measure. You can see Gary’s segment below, or listen to […]

Disney Has A Problem With White People

“At some point there’s going to be a lawsuit.” With all of the recent backlash that Lucasfilm’s The Acolyte has received, lots of people on the internet are placing all of the blame on Dave Filoni and Kathleen Kennedy. I haven’t heard anyone talk about any other Disney executives being at fault for how awful […]

Amandla Stenberg Makes a Music Video And… Yeah…

Amandla Stenberg music video

Amandla Stenberg, the star of the new Star Wars show The Acolyte, is striking back at people who don’t like the show – or people “flooding [her] with intolerant racism.” Yesterday, in honor of Juneteenth, Stenberg released a music video online, one she says she made in 72 hours, and it was… strange. It’s being blocked from […]