E3 Video Game Expo Discontinued

E3 discontinued

E3 is no more. The Entertainment Software Association has officially announced that it will no longer hold the annual video game expo, with its concise statement emblazoned on the E3 website. E3 has had some trouble over the past few years; the showcase was canceled in 2020 amid COVID restrictions and returned in 2021 with […]

E3 2022 is Canceled

E3 canceled

All aspects of E3, physical and digital, have been canceled for 2022. No, this is not an April Fool’s joke – unless the ESA is playing a big trick on us all. A Tweet confirming E3’s cancellation dropped on Thursday, stating that ESA’s cancellation email was sent to many game outlets. I guess this means […]

E3 Day 3 2021 – Capcom, Indie Games, Freedom Games, Razer, Muh Diversity

E3 Day 4

<–E3 2021 Day 2 — E3 2021 Day 4>>> E3 Day 3 2021 (Monday, June 14th) If you’d like to watch the entire presentation, you can check it out here. E3 Day 3 Broadcast Pre-show Let’s not give them any more of our attention. They’ve given me head and toothache as it is. Verizon Pyramid […]

E3 Day 2 2021 – Xbox, Bethesda, Square Enix, PC Gamer, Future Games

E3 Day 4

<<<E3 2021 Day 1  — E3 2021 Day 3>>> There’s a lot to cover today. Everyone involved kept everything coming fast and furious. The whiff of participation awards and false modesty from Ubisoft still lingers, but hopefully, it’ll soon – oh, never mind; here comes Microsoft and Bethesda… E3 2021 Day 2 (Sunday, June 13th) […]

E3 Day 1 2021 – Guerilla Collective, Ubisoft, Devolver, Gearbox

E3 Day 4

E3 2021 Day 2>>> Previously in some digital headspace that lives over at DannyDamage.co.uk most of the time… Since the event is fully virtual and there’s only one digitally-fragmented personality here at Geeks+Gamers, I’ve been “sent” here to the fashionable catwalk parade of video games to report back on the goings-on this year. I might […]