Adam Devine on the Death of the Comedy

Adam Devine

Have you wondered what happened to comedy films in recent years? They don’t seem to be made all that often – at least not ones that are released theatrically – and the ones that are made don’t tend to be very good. On a recent episode of Theo Von’s podcast This Past Weekend, actor Adam […]

REVIEW: Secret Invasion: Season 1, Episode 6, “Home”

Secret Invasion Home

“Home” is the kind of finale I probably should have expected from Secret Invasion. Like seemingly all of the Marvel Disney+ shows, it started with a lot of promise and devolved into a grating screed on left-wing politics that got bogged down in a mess of plots and subplots and diminished a great character. It’s […]

REVIEW: Secret Invasion – Season 1, Episode 5, “Harvest”

Secret Invasion Harvest

“Harvest” is the point in a story where you kind of just want it to end. I enjoyed most of Secret Invasion in the beginning, but this episode makes it clear that the setup is not going to have a satisfying payoff. There are too many story strands to tie up in a week, too […]

REVIEW: Secret Invasion – Season 1, Episode 4, “Beloved”

Secret Invasion Beloved

“Beloved” is, for the most part, a return to form for Secret Invasion, an episode more in line with the first two, which were good spy thrillers, than last week’s “Betrayed,” which mixed some decent elements with another blatant Disney character assassination. There are some inconsistencies and some massive leaps in logic that appear to […]

REVIEW: Secret Invasion – Season 1, Episode 3, “Betrayed”

“Betrayed” is the episode that comes in seemingly every Disney+ Marvel show: the turn. It’s where something that was either enjoyable or looked like it might be great reveals itself for the undercooked, politically skewed, poorly plotted, character-destroying pablum it really is. And, as always, there are traces of what Secret Invasion almost was – […]

REVIEW: Secret Invasion – Season 1, Episode 2, “Promises”

Secret Invasion Promises

With its second episode, “Promises,” Secret Invasion gets even more intriguing, wrapping itself comfortably in the espionage tropes it introduced last week and introducing shades of gray for all the main characters. There’s a subtlety to this show that other Marvel productions don’t have, especially lately, and that makes it stand out; it also makes […]