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Tag: Game of Thrones
REVIEW: Game of Thrones – Season 8, Episode 5 “The Bells”
*SPOILERS* In “The Bells,” Tyrion goes to tell Daenerys about Varys’ plans to betray her. She has Varys executed by Drogon and tells Tyrion that Jaime was captured trying to get to Cersei. She says that the next time her Hand disappoints her will be the last. Tyrion releases Jaime on the condition that he…
Rian Johnson’s Star Wars Trilogy May Be Dead
Rian Johnson’s next trip to a galaxy far, far away may, in fact, be canceled. On a recent episode of The John Campea Show, the titular pundit told his audience that, according to his sources, the recently announced Star Wars dates were for the David Benioff and D. B. Weiss series and not for the…
REVIEW: Game of Thrones – Season 8, Episode 4 “The Last of the Starks”
*SPOILERS* In “The Last of the Starks,” Daenerys, Jon, and everyone else burn the dead. At dinner, Daenerys dubs Gendry Lord of Storm’s End and the lawful son of Robert Baratheon. Bran tells Tyrion that he doesn’t want anything, not even to be Lord of Winterfell. Tormund tries to follow Brienne to her room, but…
REVIEW: Game of Thrones – Season 8, Episode 3 “The Long Night”
*SPOILERS* “The Long Night” opens with everyone preparing for the coming battle. Sam arrives at the front. Melisandre comes and enchants the fighters’ swords. She tells Davos that she’ll be dead by the dawn. The dead attack, and Jon and Daenerys mount their dragons to set them ablaze. Edd dies protecting Sam from a walker.…
REVIEW: Game of Thrones – Season 8, Episode 2 “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”
*SPOILERS* This week in the world of Westeros, Daenerys is faced with Jaime Lannister, the killer of her father, the Mad King. She and Sansa both make clear their disdain for him, but Brienne says she will vouch for his character. Meanwhile, Arya encourages Gendry to hasten production on her weapon. Outside Winterfell, Jaime and…
Iain Glen to Play Bruce Wayne on Titans
Winter has come for Bruce Wayne. Deadline reports that Game of Thrones star Iain Glen has been cast in the recurring role of Batman’s alter ego for season 2 of Titans. Over the last year or so, I’ve noticed more of a willingness to allow the Bat Family proper to appear on television. Yes, we’ve…