IGN Misrepresents Post From Palworld Designer Pocketpair’s CEO

IGN Palworld

Remember Palworld? It’s the “Pokémon with guns” game from Japanese indie developer Pocketpair that made a big splash when it was released in January. The sheer fun gamers had playing Palworld propelled the game to massive profits and peak player counts. Palworld has been so successful that the game once accused of ripping off Pokémon has other game developers […]

The Pokémon Company Responds to Palworld

Palworld Pokémon

Who’d have thought the drama surrounding a pseudo-Pokémon video game would be this pronounced? Over the past few days, Palworld, an indie video game from Japanese studio Pocketpair, has become a phenomenon, selling over eight million copies in under six days and being the most-played game on Steam. But talk has swirled around Palworld ripping off Pokémon, […]

PETA Wants a Vegan Guide to Palworld

Palworld PETA

Once something becomes popular, it doesn’t take wrong for the crazies to complain about it. Right now, the Japanese indie video game Palworld is taking the gaming world by storm, selling over seven million copies in five days and being the most-played game on Steam at the moment. Now, PETA – the People for the Ethical […]

New “Pokémon with Guns” Game Palworld is a Hit


Sometimes, it’s the simplest concepts that prove the most popular. Over the past few days, the latest example of this is “Pokémon with guns.” That phrase is being used to describe Palworld, a new action survival video game from Japanese game developer Pocketpair. Palworld drops you into an open-world area called Palpagos Islands,  where you must […]

Review: Stray (2022)


Initially, Stray had a lot going for it. People of all ages and cultures love cats, and playing as one in a game is novel and cute. It’s developed by an indie studio and published by Annapurna, a studio well-liked for their critically acclaimed indie darlings like Outer Wilds and What Remains of Edith Finch. […]

8 Upcoming Retro-Inspired Games Worth Looking At

retro games

Ever wanted to experience what it was like waiting for the sequel to Mega Man X or the new Super Nintendo Final Fantasy again? Or, if you’re not as old as I am, maybe you fondly remember the weeks leading up to the release of Halo 2 on the original Xbox and how exciting it […]