REVIEW: American Horror Story – Season 9, Episode 9 “Final Girl”

Final Girl

It’s always bittersweet when a season  of American Horror Story ends. We finally get all the answers to various questions introduced throughout, which can be really gratifying. But then it’s almost a whole year before the show returns, and we say goodbye to the season’s new characters. Going into “Final Girl,” I was afraid that […]

REVIEW: American Horror Story – Season 9, Episode 3, “Slashdance”


“Slashdance” opens with Richard Ramirez banging on the door where Brooke, Ray, Chet, and Rita are hiding. Unable to break the door down, he instead smashes through the windows. Ray suggests that the four split up, but everyone else protests. He remarks that it’s just natural selection, and Ramirez busts in, stabbing Ray repeatedly. However, […]

REVIEW: American Horror Story – Season 9, Episode 1, “Camp Redwood”

Camp Redwood

Well, folks, it’s September, and that means it’s time for a new season of FX’s smash hit anthology series American Horror Story! If you watch TV or use the internet at all, you’ve likely seen the ads for this season, 1984, featuring a slasher theme. AHS has always gone to great lengths to accommodate a […]