A Decade of Disney Animation: From Tangled to Frozen 2 (2010-2019)

Decade of Disney Tangled to Frozen

Munir: Welcome to another A Decade Of, where we review animated films from certain time periods. This time, we are discussing the most current decade of Disney Animation to coincide with the release of Frozen II. As always, we’ll begin with an overview of the decade before we delve into specific reviews of each film. […]

Genre Tropes Vs. Homage Vs. Plagiarism

Mary Poppins Returns, tropes

The films of 2018, and various debates surrounding them, have been increasingly making me wonder about the difference between genre tropes, homage, and just uninspired laziness. I definitely think there’s a defined difference, and I think this past year, in particular, we’ve gotten a lot of the latter. It looks as though the trend may […]

REVIEW: Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018)

It’s rare that the words “Disney sequel” mean anything good. That being said, when it was revealed that directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston were working on a sequel to Wreck-It-Ralph, I was pretty excited. Wreck-It Ralph wasn’t one of my very favorite Disney movies, and I found Vanellope extremely irritating at times. But it […]