REVIEW: Ant-Man (2015)

With Ant-Man, Marvel can place one more check in the win column. They’ve made another fun superhero adventure with a beating heart and a pair of heroes that it’s easy to root for. The film stumbles here and there, and it isn’t one of the better Marvel movies, but it’s still a total blast of […]

Where No Man Has Gone Before

Since its inception, the Kelvin Timeline – that is, the alternate timeline that has encompassed Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Trek Beyond – has been a real shot in the arm for the Star Trek brand, allowing the new films to simultaneously honor what has come before while forging their own […]

Why We Have a Hulk

When Marvel’s The Avengers finally stormed theaters in 2012, it was met with near-universal acclaim. Everyone had their favorite characters and moments, but the one who seemed to get the most attention was the Hulk. Unlike the earlier cinematic incarnations of the not-so-gentle giant, this was a Bruce Banner less concerned with containing – and […]

Five Things Independence Day: Resurgence Does Better Than The Force Awakens

When I saw Independence Day: Resurgence last week, I was struck by how just how competent it is. That sounds like faint praise, but this a sequel that kind of has no right existing from a creative standpoint, so it could easily have coasted on nostalgia for the original (like, say, Jurassic World), but instead […]

Amandla Stenberg Makes a Music Video And… Yeah…

Amandla Stenberg music video

Amandla Stenberg, the star of the new Star Wars show The Acolyte, is striking back at people who don’t like the show – or people “flooding [her] with intolerant racism.” Yesterday, in honor of Juneteenth, Stenberg released a music video online, one she says she made in 72 hours, and it was… strange. It’s being blocked from […]

REVIEW: The Acolyte – Season 1, Episode 4, “Day”

The Acolyte Day

***SPOILERS*** In “Day,” Osha says goodbye to Jecki. Mae and Qimir arrive on Khofar. Vernestra finds out who Mae has targeted and discusses it with several Jedi. Vernestra tells Sol and the others not to tell the Council. Sol enlists Osha to join the Jedi as they travel to Khofar, Kelnacca’s home and Mae’s next […]