Ian McKellen Defends Helen Mirren | “We’re Acting. We’re Pretending.”

Ian McKellen

We live in an era in which actors are increasingly not allowed to pretend for a living, despite that being their very job. The last few years have seen many controversies regarding the casting of certain roles where the actors in question do not fit the belief or sexual orientation of their characters perfectly. Similar […]

“That Star Wars Girl” Thrown Into Twitter Jail

That Star Wars Girl

Today’s internet cancel culture has run roughshod through all forms of media and business. From #MeToo to any number of other allegations and Oppression Olympics movements, authoritarian keyboard warriors masquerading as white knights take every opportunity to spread their infection everywhere they go (Coronavirus is envious). The Fandom Menace is a group that is routinely […]

Alterna Comics’ Owner Peter Simeti Swatted on a Livestream

Alterna Comics, Peter Simeti

The so-called “cultural war” on the internet is getting worse, and extremely dangerous. On February 13, Peter Simeti was livestreaming about comics at the 1st Print Comics channel. Suddenly, mid-broadcast, he was held at gunpoint by a SWAT team. According to Peter’s Twitter, someone called the police claiming to be Simeti himself and stating, “I just […]

Corporatism vs. Nerdom: Repeating Industry-Killing Mistakes


Mainstream entertainment companies are really working hard to take the “entertainment” out of the entertainment industry. Marvel, EA, Lucasfilm, Blizzard, Bethesda, Wizards of the Coast – to name a few – are run by executives who only understand the business aspect of the ecosystem and who are more concerned with an ever-growing bottom line that, realistically, can’t just grow […]