REVIEW: Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

When Disney announced production on a sequel to 2014’s Maleficent, I was confused and a bit annoyed. I’ve always loved 1959’s Sleeping Beauty, a tremendous feat of animation and filmmaking. Trailers and marketing material for Maleficent put me off by eschewing a lot of what made the animated classic great. However, when I saw Maleficent […]

So This is Love: Ranking Disney’s Fairy Tale Romances

Princess Romances

If there are three things the general public associates with Disney animation, it’s princesses, musicals, and romance. I’d like to take a look at some famous Disney couples/pairings, starting with those involving Disney Princesses. This is an interesting topic for me because I often find the romance to be the worst part of a film, […]

Is Disney Bad?

Disney, Cinderella

Lately, something has been annoying me a lot. When you hear kids talk about Disney, it’s probably about characters or productions that they like. With adults, it can be that, or it can be talking about how evil and greedy corporate Disney is, or what bad messages/role models they put in their stories. The latter […]

Top 5 Disney Villains

Maleficent, Disney villains

“Now, shall you deal with ME, O Prince – and all the powers of HELL!” Throughout Disney animation’s long history, their villains have become just as iconic as their heroes. Some even prefer the villains and consider them more relatable and nuanced. Personally, I don’t feel that way, but I do think a movie should […]

The Fairest of Them All

Cinderella, Disney Princesses

Starting in 1937 with the first feature-length animated film ever produced, Disney has become synonymous with their animated princesses. The glorification of the princess archetype by the Disney Princesses has come under considerable criticism in the recent years, with people claiming it sets a poor example for young girls and plays into unrealistic expectations. I’ve […]