Tag: sony

  • PlayStation Showcase 2021

    PlayStation Showcase 2021

    Today was the PlayStation Showcase, where the video game company showed off some of its upcoming releases, emphasizing the PlayStation 5. After a weird music video-style intro, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan talked up the capabilities of the PS5 before introducing a slate of new game trailers. Knights of the Old Republic Remake This…

  • Disney Looking to Buy Spider-Man… or Sony

    Disney Looking to Buy Spider-Man… or Sony

    The mouse is looking to catch himself a spider. Giant Freakin’ Robot exclusively reports that Disney is once again trying to get full control of Spider-Man and his universe. This isn’t exactly shocking – why wouldn’t they want to add the final (as far as I can tell) gem to their Marvel Infinity Gauntlet? But…

  • Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Opens Up a Can of Worms

    Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Opens Up a Can of Worms

    After plugging yesterday’s leak with some well-placed webbing, Sony has released the first Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer. The third (kind of) solo Spidey film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: No Way Home sees Peter Parker team with Doctor Strange to contend with the multiverse, including versions of his classic villains from previous movie…

  • REVIEW: Vivo (2021)

    REVIEW: Vivo (2021)

    Vivo is a new Sony Pictures Animation feature that came out on Netflix on Friday, August 6th. With songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda and a screenplay by Quiara Alegría Hudes (In the Heights) and director Kirk DeMicco (The Croods), Vivo is Sony’s first animated musical. Sony Pictures Animation has a spotty record for me, with surprisingly…

  • Second Venom: Let There Be Carnage Trailer Bonds With the Internet

    Second Venom: Let There Be Carnage Trailer Bonds With the Internet

    The symbiotes are coming out to play as Sony has released another Venom: Let There Be Carnage trailer. A sequel to 2018’s Venom, Let There Be Carnage pits Eddie Brock against Cletus Kasady, a serial killer who will become his nemesis, Carnage. Directed by Andy Serkis, Venom: Let There Be Carnage sees Tom Hardy return…

  • Venom: Let There Be Carnage Trailer Really Wants You to Laugh

    Venom: Let There Be Carnage Trailer Really Wants You to Laugh

    Practice your pronunciation of the word “symbiote” because Sony has released the first Venom: Let There Be Carnage trailer. A sequel to Venom, the surprise hit from 2018, Let There Be Carnage pits Eddie Brock against serial killer Cletus Kasady, who becomes host to rival symbiote Carnage. Tom Hardy returns as Eddie Brock and Venom,…