Grummz Calls Out Video Game Community Managers

Community Managers

The war on gamers continues, as fought by the video game industry that needs their money to survive. Grummz, the X account and online handle of former Blizzard producer Mark Kern, has been highlighting the disgusting behavior of various video game community managers who are attacking gamers based on their race and sex. Here are […]

Xbox Global Marketing Head Calls Out “White Dudes”

xbox white

Xbox is tired of all these white men in gaming. In an X post from March 27, 2024, Kelly Lombardi, Xbox’s global head of marketing, encouraged gamers who were “not a white man” to raise their hands because “minorities have to fight to prove they exist” in the gaming industry. Lombardi’s X account is locked, […]

JK Rowling Threatens Legal Action Over Attempt to Dox Her Daughter

JK Rowling daughter

JK Rowling is making headlines once again, but this time, the threats do not stop with her. As everyone is aware, the famous Harry Potter author is constantly bombarded by activists over one belief they do not share with her: that women are not men, and men are not women.  An X account by the […]

The Epic Race to 1 MILLION Subs Has Claimed a Victor

Race to 1 Million Subs

We were told man buns are ghey, and this proves it. The epic race to ONE MILLION subscribers with Gary Buechler of Nerdrotic and Dan Vasc, a talented, flamboyant metal singer, has reached its crescendo. It all began with a tweet from the latter challenging the former to this race on their respective YouTube channels. […]

Az vs. Act Man: A Requiem for the Haters from the Geeks and the Gamers

Az Act Man

Geek cannibalizes gamer in a world devoid of brotherhood as the networks of whisper pump us with poison. View counts tally as consumers shuffle rage baits. The algorithm craves its blood, and we happily oblige.  Having your guts spilled on Twitter for spectacle is just another given Sunday in our stunning and brave new world. […]

Gina Carano Sues Disney and Lucasfilm

Gina Carano Disney Lucasfilm

Disney and Lucasfilm are about to learn that a fight isn’t over till both sides say it is. In a Twitter – now X – post, Gina Carano announced that she is suing the studios for discrimination and wrongful termination. As she explains, this is a result of X CEO Elon Musk’s offer to arrange […]