DC’s Future Reveals the State of Comics


Legendary publisher DC Comics is no stranger to multiverse-spanning events that result in dire consequences for its characters. Last year, we were told that the publisher had designs on rebooting their multiverse whilst jumping the timeline forward several years. The resulting relaunch was dubbed 5G or 5th Generation and would see the roles of Batman, […]

Mega Evolution Making a Comeback?

Mega Evolution

With the advent of the Crown Tundra DLC expansion dropping on October 22nd, many Pokémon from the National PokeDex are returning to the games. Of these returning Pocket Monsters, a significant number are those who had Mega Evolutions in the past two generations of the games (XY and Sun & Moon/Ultra), which has encouraged a […]

George Lucas and Jon Favreau Hate The Last Jedi

Having a distaste for Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is a far stone’s throw away from being unheard of. Within The Fandom Menace (our own community’s moniker being a play on words of one of the franchise’s films), it’s sort of our thing. And while we might be known for far more than […]

Sony and Naughty Dog Levy DMCA Strikes Against Geeks + Gamers

Nobody in the entertainment industry, be it Hollywood, video games, or otherwise, likes when significant details are leaked to the public. Not only does this typically tend to be a major breach of contract for the parties involved, but it spoils plot details, which, in some cases, can result in potential consumers forgoing their purchase […]

The Last of Us: Part II – Woke or Birds of Prey Marketing Team?

The Last of Us

2013 was a monumental year for the video game industry. It not only ended with the beginning of a new (the current) console cycle but also resulted in some of the best games released for the Xbox 360/Playstation 3 generation of hardware. Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto V, Super Mario 3D World, Pokemon […]

Corey Feldman’s (My) Truth Hitting the Internet

Corey Feldman

It’s a far stone’s throw away from breaking news that Hollywood is corrupt to its core. In the last several years, a little light has been shed on some of the sludge that the elites in the formerly-Golden State have kept hidden from the public for so long. Certainly, no case is more significant than […]