Well, the day I hoped would never come just might have. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Henry Cavill may be stepping down from his role in the DCEU as Superman after just three appearances. It seems this rumor came about after talks broke down about a possible cameo appearance in next year’s Shazam!, due to a potential scheduling conflict with Henry Cavill’s newest project on Netflix original series, The Witcher. As there are no further plans for more Superman related films currently, it looks like he’ll be bowing out of the role.

However, there is still hope for Man of Steel fans according to Dany Garcia:

Dany GarciaWhile this isn’t concrete, this isn’t official word that Cavill is still going to don the red cape, it’s definitely left me feeling better.

I love Cavill as Superman. He looks perfect, he has a stellar voice, his performance in both Man of Steel and Justice League were phenomenal, and I really just want to see him get a chance with a new creative team. The man has talent, as he demonstrated in Warner Bros. The Man From U.N.C.L.E and this year’s Mission: Impossible – Fallout. I hope that he’s not done, I hope they can figure something out, because I know I’m not alone in my admiration for Cavill and his take on the character.

What do you think about this news? Do you want to see Cavill back as Superman or do you want him recast? Let me know in the comments below! Stay nerdy everyone!

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