Dan DiDio Leaves DC Comics

Dan DiDio, DC Comics

After a nearly two-decade tenure with the publishing giant, editor-in-chief Dan DiDio has left DC Comics, reports the Hollywood Reporter. This news comes as a surprise to many, as just this last summer, DiDio announced the publisher’s plans for another line-wide reboot in 2020 and rolling into 2021, which they are currently dubbing “5th Generation” […]

DC’s New Relaunch And What It Means


There have been rumblings in the comic book world that DC’s universe is heading for another Crisis-level event. This has been apparent to readers of the current ongoing Justice League, The Flash, Superman, and, most recently, Flash Forward. Without doing a massive anthological recap of Scott Snyder’s current Justice League book, the SparkNotes version is as follows: After the events […]

New Batman Comic Creative Team Announced

Tynion IV

Via The Hollywood Reporter, as part of the Batman Day festivities, DC comics head Dan DiDio has announced the new writer and artist that will replace Tom King on Batman 86. James Tynion IV will be joined on the book by Tony S. Daniel. Both the writer and artist have a long history with the Dark […]