What is the 199?

what is the 199, Geeks + Gamers

Memes dominate the internet, and we all love a good meme. The Geeks + Gamers community is built on them, so it should come as no surprise that the one thing that represents us the most is all because of that: a meme. On April 10th, 2023, the main Geeks + Gamers YouTube channel was hosting another episode of our […]

Fandom Menace YouTuber Megs Needs Your Help

Fandom Menace

A member of the Fandom Menace needs our help. Megan Baunach, “Megs” from the Jolly and Megs Show on YouTube, has been diagnosed with a Chiari malformation, a condition in which the brain tissue descends into the spinal column and blocks cerebral spinal fluid from flowing normally. She’s due to have surgery on June 24th […]