Tag: Game of Thrones

  • Dame Diana Rigg Dies at 82

    Dame Diana Rigg Dies at 82

    Rachel Stirling has released a statement revealing that her mother, the famed actress Diana Rigg, passed away this morning. Rigg was reportedly diagnosed with cancer in March of this year, and it took her life today. She has already been honored by the official social media accounts of Game of Thrones, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service co-star George…

  • Max Von Sydow of Flash Gordon and The Exorcist Passes Away at 90

    Max Von Sydow of Flash Gordon and The Exorcist Passes Away at 90

    This morning, news broke that Swedish-born actor Max Von Sydow has passed away. He flourished in European cinema as well as in Hollywood and can be seen in arthouse films and genre fare alike. According to Variety, his long life and impressive career came to an end this past Sunday.  Von Sydow has over 150…

  • Benioff and Weiss Exit Star Wars

    Benioff and Weiss Exit Star Wars

    David Benioff and DB Weiss have announced in a joint statement with Kathleen Kennedy that they will no longer be working on their Star Wars trilogy. The first film was initially set to hit theatres in December of 2022. The reason given, of course, was the dreaded scheduling conflicts. Usually, that excuse comes off as little…

  • Fandom Menace YouTuber Megs Needs Your Help

    Fandom Menace YouTuber Megs Needs Your Help

    A member of the Fandom Menace needs our help. Megan Baunach, “Megs” from the Jolly and Megs Show on YouTube, has been diagnosed with a Chiari malformation, a condition in which the brain tissue descends into the spinal column and blocks cerebral spinal fluid from flowing normally. She’s due to have surgery on June 24th…

  • REVIEW: Game of Thrones – Season 8, Episode 6 “The Iron Throne”

    REVIEW: Game of Thrones – Season 8, Episode 6 “The Iron Throne”

    *SPOILERS* In “The Iron Throne,” the Unsullied execute Lannister prisoners in the street, to the horror of Jon Snow, Ser Davos, and Tyrion. Tyrion tosses aside his Hand of the Queen pin and confesses to releasing Jaime, precipitating his imprisonment. Jon and Daenerys discuss the slaughter, which she believes was necessary to create a new…

  • The Game of Thrones Petition is Harmless

    The Game of Thrones Petition is Harmless

    Game of Thrones’ long-awaited final season has finally arrived, and it’s… not good. I’ve liked more of it than a lot of people, but I’m still massively disappointed, and seeing what was on its way to becoming one of the greatest shows in television history devolve into an unsatisfying mess has been depressing. Wounded fans…