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Author: Connor McGee
REVIEW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)
I have been a fan of Call of Duty my whole life, but I sadly stopped purchasing the games in the past couple of years because I wasn’t a fan of buying yearly installments. Now, after four years of not playing Call of Duty, I have sunk multiple hours into Infinity Ward’s newest addition to…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare First Impressions
This year’s installment of Call of Duty is a new and interesting change to the standard Call Of Duty formula the previous games have used. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare changes up the structure that the other games built off, making this one feel different in both a refreshing but frustrating way. Multiplayer is jam-packed…
Bethesda Releases DOOM 64 Trailer
The annihilation of demons is coming back in full force next year with DOOM Eternal, but now with a surprising twist. Bethesda Softworks released a trailer showing off another project of theirs called DOOM 64. Many fans of the series will be familiar with that title because the original game was released almost 22 years…
The Outer Worlds Launch Trailer Released
The Outer Worlds‘ final trailer has officially launched, and it is mind-blowing! The trailer begins with brilliant cuts of the player and the different worlds to which you can travel. We then get a voiceover of a lady we don’t know yet who says, “Some people want you to be a savior, a shining beacon…
REVIEW: Borderlands 3 (2019)
I remember when Borderlands came out in 2009, and I was very curious to discover what it was about. It wasn’t until 2012 that I finally played the game for the first time, and from that point on, I was a fan of the franchise. I have played all of the Borderlands games, and now…
Sony Rolls Out New 7.00 Software Update This Week
Sony has updated its blog page this week with a rundown of what new features will be available in the 7.00 software update for the PS4. This update has been focusing around the Party Feature, where you can join friends and play games together. When playing with friends, the maximum amount of party users can…