The annihilation of demons is coming back in full force next year with DOOM Eternal, but now with a surprising twist. Bethesda Softworks released a trailer showing off another project of theirs called DOOM 64. Many fans of the series will be familiar with that title because the original game was released almost 22 years ago on the Nintendo 64 system as a sequel to the PC title DOOM II: Hell on Earth. However, Bethesda has chosen to bring it back and to make it available for all modern consoles (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC). The upcoming DOOM 64 is not a remaster, but a port of the original to the modern consoles. It will include the same 30 levels, intense music, and awesome guns to slay any demon that gets in your way. Check out the DOOM 64 trailer below:

DOOM 64 has a set release date of March 20th, 2020, alongside DOOM Eternal. However, if you choose to pre-order DOOM Eternal, you will receive DOOM 64 as a free pre-order bonus. This pre-order bonus will be a great incentive for customers who have been upset about DOOM Eternal’s delayed release to forgive and forget; DOOM Eternal was initially supposed to come out during November 2019. I didn’t plan on pre-ordering DOOM Eternal, but after seeing the DOOM 64 trailer, I think I may have to change my mind.

What are your thoughts on the DOOM 64 trailer? Do you plan on pre-ordering DOOM Eternal to receive DOOM 64, or is this not enough to convince you to get your copy early? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned to Geeks + Gamers for more gaming news!

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