Author: Spike

  • EVO Online Shouldn’t be Cancelled

    EVO Online Shouldn’t be Cancelled

    At the height of the so-called “cancel culture” in 2020, accusations against Joey Cuellar, co-founder and former EVO CEO, were made online, exposing him as an alleged sexual abuser against minors (as reported in this Gamasutra article). These serious accusations have not been denied at all by Cuellar; he has even made a public apology,…

  • Generation X: Marvel’s Original “Diverse” Live-Action Film

    Generation X: Marvel’s Original “Diverse” Live-Action Film

    Reminiscing about the ‘90s is nothing new to comic book readers nowadays, from people who were around at that period to younger folks who are curious about what happened that decade regarding comics. The medium itself went through a lot; from the financial successes of “The Death of Superman,” the launch of X-Men (Vol. 2),…

  • Streets of Rage 4 and the Future of SEGA

    Streets of Rage 4 and the Future of SEGA

    The wait has finally ended! For more than two decades, SEGA fans waited for a new entry in one of the most revered franchises the company developed in the 16-Bit era of gaming, and probably the entire history of video games. Streets of Rage 4 brings back the brand of powerful street justice that could…

  • Legendary Gamer Gus Rodríguez Passes Away at Age 59

    Legendary Gamer Gus Rodríguez Passes Away at Age 59

    Gus Rodríguez, who remained active in the world of gaming from the late ’80s until his final days of battling cancer, lost the game against this awful disease. The Latin American gamer was not well known in the Anglosphere, but his career was unprecedented, unlocking a mythical status that will always be remembered by millions.…

  • Doug Ernst’s Soulfinder: Demon’s Match IGG Comic Book Campaign is Here!

    Doug Ernst’s Soulfinder: Demon’s Match IGG Comic Book Campaign is Here!

    The history of the consumer hashtag #ComicsGate is a complicated one. But there’s a group of people who have certainly impacted the development of the struggle to make comic books great and viable again; Englentine from I Love Comics, Captain Frugal, and Washington Times journalist Doug Ernst were in the trenches even before there was…

  • Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel: White Supremacists’ Waifu?

    Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel: White Supremacists’ Waifu?

    Brie Larson has created a lot of controversy this year. Her public statements and appearances in tabloids and interviews have been even more controversial than the Captain Marvel movie itself. The actress has stated that she plans to use her privilege as part of the Hollywood elite and her platforms to signal-boost minorities in the…