Endgame trailer

New Avengers: Endgame Trailer Arrives

Now that Captain Marvel has had its opening weekend, Marvel and Disney’s attention turns to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and today they released the second Avengers: Endgame trailer. The ad campaign for Phase 3’s big finale has been very minimalist; no shots of massive battles, no wild special effects, not even a glimpse of Thanos (which I love; it’s like everyone is so shaken they can’t bear to think of him). Just the Avengers taking stock of all they’ve lost and vowing to do everything they can to save the universe because that’s what heroes do. They’re giving us exactly what we need, just like the Avengers will. Check out the new Avengers: Endgame trailer below…

The new Avengers: Endgame trailer really sells the idea that this movie will be the culmination of everything that’s come before. The clips of the older films in black and white are a stark reminder of how far the heroes have come and, with the splashes of red, how much they’ve lost along the way. (But where are the scenes from The Incredible Hulk? Why do they insist on treating that movie like the red-headed stepchild of the MCU?) The Endgame trailer also dovetails nicely with the ending of Infinity War, focusing on the main Avengers with quick shots of the others. That’s as it should be; this is the end of their story, and they should be the leads. Again, they give nothing away; it’s just Captain America rallying the troops, Tony Stark hoping for one last chance to be a hero, Black Widow looking for revenge, Bruce Banner (and us) looking for a Hulk, Thor wanting to redeem himself for failing to save those lost to Thanos, and the promise of a reckoning on the horizon. Again, it’s all we need and nothing more. I also smiled at the moment between Thor and Captain Marvel at the end of the Endgame trailer – it’s not any kind of superiority or turning Thor into an idiot to make her look better; just mutual respect, which is exactly the right way to go. I look forward to finding out what those astronaut suits are for; some have speculated they’ll be entering the Quantum Realm, which would be neat. Whatever’s in store, I can’t wait for opening night.

What did you think of the second Avengers: Endgame trailer? Are you looking forward to the movie? Are you bummed that Spider-Man is totally gone for good and never, ever coming back, for keepsies? Let us know in the comments and come back to Geeks + Gamers for more Marvel movie news!

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