REVIEW: The Pope’s Exorcist (2023)

The Pope's Exorcist

The Pope’s Exorcist makes me hate Thor: Love and Thunder even more. This is the Russell Crowe we love, the one who’s always the best thing about a movie, who brings gravitas and complexity, joy and pain, doubt and resolve to the characters he plays. Casting him as Zeus was a masterstroke; for Taika Waititi […]

REVIEW: Penny Dreadful: City of Angels – Season 1, Episode 9, “Sing, Sing, Sing”

City of Angels Sing, Sing, Sing

*SPOILERS* “Sing, Sing, Sing” opens on Tiago and Lewis discussing who could have shot at them; Lewis thinks it’s Nazis. Councilman Townsend is beside himself, convinced that the voters hate him. Alex encourages him to contact his father, insisting that it’s not over. Dr. Craft tells Elsa that he regrets rushing things and sending Tom […]

REVIEW: Penny Dreadful: City of Angels – Season 1 Episode 1, “Santa Muerte”

Santa Muerte

When Penny Dreadful: City of Angels was announced, I wasn’t exactly thrilled. The original Penny Dreadful quickly became one of my favorite T.V. series during its first two seasons. Sadly, like most die-hard fans of the show, I was appalled by the series finale and where it took some of my favorite characters. I’ve never been a big […]